When you complete any procedure at our office, our dentist, periodontist, endodontist and team will provide you with instructions on how to care for the treated area properly and about what you can expect to experience post-treatment. Some of these instructions have been provided below. If you have any questions about our post-op instructions, please contact our office.
Dental Crowns and Bridges Post-Op Care
After you have received a dental crown or bridge, do not eat for at least two hours or until the anesthesia has worn off.
You may have had a temporary crown or bridge placed while your final restoration was being created. This temporary protects your exposed teeth and prevents them from shifting or moving. Avoid chewing on sticky foods such as gum or caramels, as they can dislodge the temporary restoration. You may brush your teeth normally, but make sure to pull the floss through rather than lifting up so as to not dislodge the temporary. If your temporary comes off, you can slip it back on and call our office so that we can re-cement it for you.
You may also experience some sensitivity, especially to hot or cold foods and beverages after your treatment. This is normal. You can take a mild pain reliever, such as Tylenol or Advil, or rinse with warm saltwater (half-teaspoon of salt per 8 ounces water) to relieve this discomfort.
After your final crown has been placed, continue to brush and floss normally. If your bite feels unbalanced, call and make an appointment with our team for an adjustment.
Tooth Extractions Post-Op Care
After you have had a tooth extracted, you will have an initial healing period of one to two weeks. You will probably experience some swelling and discomfort for the first 48 hours.
We recommend that you:
Dental Fillings Post-Op Care
After receiving a dental filling, refrain from eating for at least two hours or until anesthesia has worn off.
You will experience some sensitivity for a few days following treatment. Avoid hot and cold foods and beverages during that time. If your gums are tender, rinse them with warm saltwater (half-teaspoon of salt per 8 ounces of water) or take a mild pain reliever, such as Tylenol or Advil.
Resume regular brushing and flossing immediately to keep your teeth healthy, prevent cavities and ensure the longevity of your dental fillings.
Dental Veneers Post-Op Care
Dental veneers usually require some removal of tooth structure, which means that you will need to take care between appointments to care for your teeth and ensure your treatment goes as planned.
During both appointments, you will receive a local anesthetic. Once you get home, do not eat for about two hours or until the anesthetic has worn off. You will also experience some tooth sensitivity, especially to cold, following treatment. Avoid hot or cold beverages for the first few days and use mild pain relievers to help manage any pain.
Root Canal Treatment Post-Op Care
After your root canal treatment, do not eat for at least two hours or until any anesthesia has worn off. Your treated tooth will be sore, so you should avoid hard and chewy foods until discomfort subsides. This typically takes seven to 10 days.
Take all antibiotics and medications as prescribed. If you experience any of the following symptoms, please contact our office:
Teeth Whitening Post-Op Care
The first 48 hours after completing a professional teeth whitening treatment are crucial to maximizing the impact of the treatment on your smile.
You should avoid eating or drinking foods and beverages that stain, such as:
We also recommend that you:
You may also experience some sensitivity for the first 24 after treatment. This sensitivity should subside after 24 hours.